New buildings or renovations
- New learning environments: classrooms, corridors and lobby areas
- Multipurpose houses and smart community learning spaces
- Tools involving all the participants into the planning process of the new learning environments
Interior design
- Furnishing and interior design plan
- Electricity infrastructure, lighting, sound & acoustics design
- Ecology issues: Energy efficiency, wellbeing, efficient community use of school premises
Technology-enhanced learning environment
- Small learning environments and learning nests
- Smart media spaces, media walls and light caves environments
- Outdoor learning environments

To plan a new school or innovate your present one school
Our experts in Pedagogy, Technology, and Architecture will prepare a project according to your needs with the cutting edge innovative approach. We work very closely with our customers applying a participatory approach planning process by using modern 3D and CAVE technologies. You can visit and walk virtually inside your future school or transformed space and decide about changes during the project planning stage. We focus on the following areas:
- New school or community learning center building projects
- Present school indoor and outdoor spaces transformation projects
- Interior design and furnishing projects
- Technology-enhanced learning environment projects
Furnishing and Interior design
Indoor and outdoor learning environment transformation projects are our core competencies, together with our learning partners. We design and coordinate your change projects according to your expectations and needs.
Our homes are modern and furnished to create cosy environments in which people can relax. Companies have also invested in making work environments comfortable and inspiring. The school, however, has persisted in keeping the same basic format unchanged. Today’s pupils and parents demand something more. This puts pressure on schools and physical learning and teaching environments with respect to their functionality, architectural solutions, furniture, lighting, and technology definitions. A comfortable, healthy and home-like learning environment is pleasing for its users and enhances learning results. It is an investment for the future and offers versatile operations not just for the school but also for the surrounding community.
Together with pedagogy, architecture and technology experts we define the current situation and design the transformation project. We will be your partner also in developing teachers competencies and in changing the working culture.

Technology Enhanced Learning Environments
The school can no longer claim the sole right to learning, the teacher no longer owns the knowledge and the book is no longer the only source of learning. Learning does happen also outside the classroom. In addition to formal circumstances, learning happens in informal situations, anytime and anywhere. Pupils and teachers utilize technology and media mostly in order to create teams and networks and to find information for them.
A student’s relationship with technology is personal, and therefore it is best to provide each student with a personal one to one learning device. This offers access to information at all times. On the other hand, this requires a lot from learning environments, connections and wireless solutions that guarantee mobility.
Our solution is to provide small learning nests and communities for a number of students and their special needs. We want to design and create your environments tailored to your demands. We have a number of selected technology to enhanced learning environments to start work and connect the latest technologies with innovative architectural designs in your personalized learning environments.
To evaluate your school innovation level and to plan future development with our company.
- Whole School Development Tool (SDT) process is done in three steps.
- Finpeda experts visit your school and meet with all stakeholders. We collect data in different areas: teachership, leadership, architecture, technology, community ideas, vision and strategy during separate meetings with students, teachers, school management, parents and local authorities. (1 day)
- Within one month we prepare an evaluation report of your school with a proposal for innovation in selected areas. (1 month)
- We meet again with all stakeholders to present and discuss the School Evaluation Report (1 day)

We can support and guide you through innovation processes in your institution.
Our experts will be available for you in case you already started an innovation process together with Finpeda. We will support and mediate your transformation process according to a special agreement between your institution and Finpeda. The contract can be updated on a regular base with a specific time period (e.g. 6 months, 1 year).