In-service training and pedagogical models

  • Project work and collaborative learning methods, inquiry-based learning, phenomenon-based learning, and personalized learning
  • Education technology studies: basic, professional and expert level
  • Special education and multicultural studies, inclusive approach

Human resources and professional development

  • New ways of co-operation: pair teaching and team development
  • Conflict, emotion and stress management
  • Learning innovation ecosystem, living lab tools and methods

Leadership and competence management

  • Strategies and innovation process management
  • Strategic leadership and change of working culture
  • School development tool, research study and innovation pilot implementation plan

To open your eyes and start thinking differently. Decide to change your approach to learning and development of physical and virtual learning environments and solutions.

We offer innovations in pedagogy, architecture, and technology in education towards 21st-century learning and learning environments. This joint project usually starts with a one-day “wake-up” workshop and visits and meetings with key developers and decision makers. The next step is one or two-day session with experts in pedagogy, architecture, and technology for the same or a larger audience. The development work with us starts through the following steps:

  1. “Wake up” workshop and Innovation workshop in Pedagogy, Architecture, and Technology in combination with a Study visit or a School Development Tool process.
  2. Implementation project e.g. changing one school building wing or the whole school indoor and outdoor transformation project or new school planning process.
  3. An innovation programme for schools in a city, a region or the whole country. This will be done in a triple helix collaboration involving public, research and business sectors.

Our online materials provide an excellent opportunity for your team to start to think and work differently in connection with your own work and needs.

Learning and learning environments in the school of the future webinar series give you basic information for development work inside your organization. Webinars work well for both personal development and team development within an institution. The development ideas of Finpeda will be adjusted according to the development ideas of the stakeholders. The webinar expert working methods will support the innovation and development project. The key areas are an introduction to 21st-century learning environments, pedagogical methods, architectural concepts, technology roadmap, strategic leadership and change of working culture. The webinar sessions include one workshop and five online sessions.

Professional staff and safe school day are the most important things in schools and learning institutions.

Teacher training and in-service training have a central role in changing the working culture in schools. We have to take care of new staff competence and develop it further. Education technologies and training in ICT, mobile and 3D virtual learning environments, tablets, social media, and game-like learning are important. Students and teachers highly value new pedagogical approaches and methodologies like project and teamwork, inquiry- and phenomenon-based learning.

Strategic leadership, headmaster training, teacher and staff professional development are key factors in innovations and changes. Together with you, we tailor educational training and workshops based on your needs.

We are your partner in
Innovations in Education